Amelia H, Psychotherapist

I had a growing dissatisfaction with my wardrobe and how I looked, was fed up with the constant stress of not knowing what to wear, and frustrated with not knowing what to buy to correct the situation! 

Leanne S, Fitness Entrepreneur

The specific issue for me was finding a smart but more business-casual look to wear to meetings and events. In my previous life I worked in a very corporate environment, and hadn’t really moved out of thinking that’s the look I needed to wear. I wanted help to find a style that reflected my business and me, but retained the right level of appropriateness for each occasion. 

Claire F, H&S Director

Having spent many mornings staring at the contents of my overflowing wardrobe with an ever increasing sense of despair, I decided it was time to take action. After having 2 children I had lost my sense of style, my interest in clothes, and had fallen in to a rut of convenience clothes shopping via the Internet.

Charlotte H, Marketing

My wardrobe was stuck in a rut and I was fed up of never having anything I felt good in.I wanted to understand what suited me and how I could best utilise my current wardrobe as I am at the age where I felt I needed a transition in my style. 

Becky S, Partner

I was frustrated that I had lots of clothes, but very few that I wore regularly. I bought things, kept most of them for 'best' and never wore them, yet restricted myself to jeans and T shirts. I also felt that my dress sense no longer matched my age. 

Karine H, Lawyer

I do not have time to shop - ever.  It's always rushed, last minute and disorganised. I never know what to buy so I fancied having someone to help me buy clothes who would be impartial. I had also recently moved firms and I wanted some new items.

Elaine C, Solicitor

I contacted Lizzie because I wanted advice on what styles suited me and my shape, as on too many occasions I was getting it wrong. 

Julie S, Global Business Unit President

I was up for a large promotion at work and feedback leading into this told me I should more purposefully consider my wardrobe and my 'brand' if I wanted to make the next step. This was a great prod for me to reach out to Lizzie. 

Clare H, On a Career Break

I felt I needed some inspiration to make the best of my casual everyday wardrobe as I am a "fashion schizophrenic" and needed to hone my look so I could get out the door without worrying about what I was wearing.

Rachel M, Researcher

I was tired of shopping for clothes which on second thoughts never seemed to quite work and I'd end up passing them on or giving them away. What I wore and the image I needed to project through work seemed to be getting further apart.

Louise T, Editor

I had had three children and fashion seemed to have moved on during the years of wearing maternity clothes. Most of my wardrobe felt out of date, tatty, ill fitting or worn out. I kept buying things but because I wasn't being strategic, I'd buy the same thing over and over and still feel like I had nothing to wear.


Lindsey C, MD

I've always found shopping stressful and getting dressed to go to work a challenge. A promotion meant I really had to do something about my look, smarten up and increase my confidence for business meetings and leading change in the organisation.

Rosanne D, Private Equity

I wanted to find a new way of dressing – giving up my old banker suits and finding a look that was more contemporary but still fitting for a 45 year old in finance. 

Bridget D, MD of Events Company

It had been so long since I shopped that replenishing my wardrobe felt like a chore rather than a joy. I didn’t know where to start and was afraid of making expensive mistakes. I also decided that I wanted a treat and working with Lizzie sounded fun!

Anna S, HR Director

I wanted to upgrade my wardrobe and align my image with my progressing seniority in the work place. I needed to up the quality of my clothes and how they fitted, so that I could confidently turn up to any event with a sophisticated finish.  

Kathryn, Marketing Consultant

I needed a professional wardrobe that would allow me to feel smart and confident with my corporate clients, to bring a bit of creative expression when dealing with my agency and tech clients, and I wanted a casual "uniform" that took the stress out of choosing outfits for different occasions. Quite a big ask!

Alex A, CEO

I contacted Lizzie as I was starting a new job, and had an outdated wardrobe. I needed to walk into my new job with complete confidence that I was looking the part, because I knew it would help me feel the part.

Alice S, Personal Assistant

I always had trouble identifying items that would suit my body structure. I also used to spend a lot of money buying clothes that were unsuitable and which I would end up not wearing. I was always confused in stores, unsure of what's best for me.

Janet P, Chief of Staff

I contacted Lizzie as I had been promoted to the Executive Committee at a large UK bank. I wanted to look more corporate, and for my clothes to help with signalling my new status.

Rhi, Management Consultant

I contacted Lizzie as I needed to appear more senior. I was going for promotion, but I still wanted to look young and up to date.